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SafeWork SA’s Traffic Management Campaign and the Role of Modus Transport and Traffic Engineering in Enhancing Site Safety

SafeWork SA's Traffic Management Campaign and the Role of Modus Transport and Traffic Engineering in Enhancing Site Safety

SafeWork SA’s Traffic Management Campaign plays a crucial role in promoting safety across the state by focusing on effective traffic management practices. As powered mobile plant such as forklifts and delivery vehicles are a major cause of workplace death and injury in Australian workplaces, this campaign aims to raise awareness, educate businesses, and enforce compliance with safety regulations.

Since January 2020, SafeWork SA has issued:

· 65 Improvement Notices involving the ineffective traffic management of powered mobile plant.

· 7 Prohibition Notices involving loading activities of powered mobile plant.

In this context, Modus Transport and Traffic Engineering have a unique opportunity to support companies in enhancing site safety through comprehensive site safety audits. By conducting these audits, Modus can provide valuable insights and recommendations to businesses, helping them identify potential hazards, assess risks, and implement appropriate control measures.

Here’s how our Modus can assist companies in improving site safety:

  1. Expertise in Traffic Management: Our team at Modus possesses specialized knowledge and expertise in traffic management, including traffic flow analysis, signage placement, and traffic control planning. We can assess the effectiveness of existing traffic management systems and provide recommendations for improvement with specific focus on powered mobile plants.
  2. Compliance with Safety Standards: We stay up to date with the latest safety regulations and standards, ensuring that our site safety audits align with industry best practices. By conducting thorough assessments, we can help companies identify any non-compliance issues and develop strategies to rectify them.
  3. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Modus can conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential hazards and evaluate their severity. Through this process, we can assist companies in implementing appropriate control measures to mitigate risks and enhance overall site safety.
  4. Traffic Flow Optimization: We can analyze traffic patterns and identify areas where congestion or bottlenecks may occur. By optimizing traffic flow, we can help companies improve efficiency, reduce the likelihood of accidents, and enhance overall site safety.
  5. Training and Education: Our firm can provide training sessions and educational resources to companies, ensuring that their employees are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to maintain a safe working environment.

Noting that if a non-compliance identified during the audit cannot be remedied while the inspector is on site, a statutory notice will be issued. By partnering with Modus for site safety audits, companies can be proactive and benefit from a comprehensive assessment of their traffic management practices. This collaboration can lead to the implementation of effective safety measures, reduced risks, and improved compliance with safety regulations.

Together, we can contribute to a safer working environment across the state, protecting both employees and the public from traffic-related hazards.

For more information on our services, get in touch today.