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Safety Focus Switches to Pedestrian and Traffic Incidents

Modus Transport & Traffic Engineering 9

As we continue to return to pre-pandemic normal life there is an emerging trend of a higher number of Pedestrian and Traffic Incidents across all Industry Sectors.

This trend is highlighted by both the current lack of education in many workplaces throughout the country in all industry sectors relating to interactions between pedestrians, vehicles, and mobile plant equipment; and an understanding of where to turn to in order to fix the problem – mitigate the risk!

At MODUS the increased number of noncompliant sites across a range of industrial, commercial, and retail sites underpins the relentless pursuit of the wider Altus Group of achieving the highest standards of quality and safety for our people and our clients, and for the general public who depend on us to get home safely every day.

Our Team at MODUS are supporting numerous businesses at present in reviewing and understanding the current requirements for safety regulations around pedestrian and traffic management standards.

Some key findings from Safe Work Australia also support these claims.

Serious Claim Statistics

The focus of each business must not only be to ensure their people’s safety but also to maintain their reputation by minimizing risks on site. It is understood that each claim will have a negative impact on the business operation and performance.

Often businesses turn to us as the experts to discover hazardous areas when one or more near misses already turned into serious incidents, which is already too late.
Our National Team of trained Engineering auditors can investigate your site, identify, assess, and ranks your site’s existing hazards with a focus on mitigating or minimizing the risk by providing innovative and effective engineering control measures in line with best practice and existing regulations.

In simple terms, our focus is on:

  • Reduced Risk
  • Reduced Cost
  • Improve Efficiency

We all know safety isn’t expensive, it is priceless therefore we are offering a free virtual site assessment for your site at your earliest convenience.

Wayne Asher
Strategic Business Development Manager
0408 912 797